
Name # Role Position Pos
Missing Daniel Antunez 1 Player Goal Keeper Goal Keeper
Missing Gerardo Alonso Yong Sam 2 Player
Missing Jean Claude Bikorimana 4 Player Right Back Right Back
Missing Maxwell Sullivan Miller 5 Player Left Back Left Back
Missing Memo Clemente 7 Player Right Wing Right Wing
Avatar Igor Ibrahimkadic 8 Player Left Back Left Back
Missing Ricardo Velazco 10 Player Center Forward Center Forward
Missing Diallo Irakoze 11 Player Right Back Right Back
Missing David Ibrahimkadic 11 Player Left Wing Left Wing
Missing Kornell Hilliard 16 Player Center Forward Center Forward
Missing Edis Merzihic 17 Player Center Forward Center Forward
Missing Adriano Nunes 19 Player
Missing Abdul Abdullahi Player
Missing Alex Moody Player Goal Keeper Goal Keeper
Missing Alexander Pacheco Player
Missing Antony Leon Player
Missing Arnold Portillo Player
Missing Buck Tufty Player
Missing Christian Arguello Player
Missing Christofher Alexis Castillo Majia Player
Missing Cory Thomas Player
Missing Daniel Chavarria Player
Avatar Diego Reynoso Reyna Player
Edgar gonzalez diaz Edgar Gonzalez Diaz Player
Missing Emir Selimovic Player
Missing Fancisco Sasturain Player
B85c0471 969e 4413 9e22 f3a22e0eae51 Gabriel De Freitas Player
Missing Gabriel Rokbrand Soares Player
Missing Harry Kirman Player
Missing Henrique Cavalini Player
Avatar Ismael Rojo Martinez Player
Missing Ivan Nkinzo Player
Missing Luis Carlos Esteban Rodriguez Player
Missing Matt Seran Player
Missing Noel Roman Player
Missing Osman Hussein Player
Missing Pedro Fonesca Player
Missing Pedro Maximiano Player
Raymundo contreras espinoza Raymundo Contreras Espinoza Player
F20c3d83 90a0 4698 b95e 527a9f20abfc Ryan Nichols Player
Missing Steven Munoz Player
Missing Tacobi Nsimpasi Player
Missing Tyler Joy-Brandon Player
Missing Zachary Brutscher Player


Name Role
Derrick Davis Team Manager
Erik Florez Coach
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